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Malpensa Inn Aereoporto

Lombardia, Lonate Pozzolo

2   Adulti
0   Bambini
Пт 21 фев  -  Сб 22 фев
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Classic dbl
Camera e Prima Colazione (Взрослые: 2; Дети: 0)
Soggiorno от 21/02/2025 до 22/02/2025
  • ОТ 19/02/2025 penale di 143€
Camera e prima colazione от 21/02/2025
до 22/02/2025
143 €
Camera doppia only bed
Solo Pernottamento (Взрослые: 2; Дети: 0)
Soggiorno от 21/02/2025 до 22/02/2025
  • ОТ 19/02/2025 penale di 147€
Solo pernottamento от 21/02/2025
до 22/02/2025
147 €
Camera doppia
Camera e Prima Colazione (Взрослые: 2; Дети: 0)
Soggiorno от 21/02/2025 до 22/02/2025
  • ОТ 19/02/2025 penale di 147€
Camera e prima colazione от 21/02/2025
до 22/02/2025
147 €

 Le tariffe non sono comprensive di eventuali tasse di soggiorno e resort fee che dovranno essere pagate direttamente in hotel in aggiunta al costo totale. Le preferenze di tipologia di letto non sono garantite e sono soggette a disponibilità della struttura. Front Desk H24 Check-in from 15:00 Check-in to 00:00 Check-out to 10:30 | Codice Licenza: IT012090A17SJYCDO3 |



Do you have a flight early in the morning or do you land late in the evening? Rest at the Malpensa Inn, a few kilometers from Malpensa 1 and 2 with free parking and shuttle service.


Cozy, bright and spacious, our rooms are also distinguished by the style of furniture. All rooms are equipped with air conditioning, minibar and bathroom amenities.On the ground floor elegant and modern, with private entrance and parking in front of the room, guarantee absolute confidentiality and discretion.On the first floor, served by the internal elevator, combine the quality of the refined design of the Wenge with the oak beams, characteristics that make them unique.


Breakfast is served in the lounge from 06:30am to 09:30am, with a self-service continental style buffet. For early departures in the morning from 04:00am espresso coffee is offered.

More Informations

Remarks: В ТАРИФЫ НЕ ВКЛЮЧЕН НАЛОГОВЫЙ СБОР НА ПРЕБЫВАНИЕ В ОТЕЛЕ, КОТОРЫЙ БУДЕТ СОБРАН ПРИ РЕГИСТРАЦИИ И ДОБАВЛЕН К ОБЩЕЙ СТОИМОСТИ. Двухместная или раздельные кровати не гарантированы. Подтверждение зависит от наличия таковых.

Адрес: Via S. Anna, 25, Frazione Tornavento
Codice licenza: IT012090A17SJYCDO3
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