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Grand Hotel Excelsior

Calabria, Reggio Calabria

2   Adulti
0   Bambini
tue 11 jun  -  wed 12 jun
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Choose the solution that's right for you:

  room type   type of accomodation   Room Price
Classic dbl (twin)
Camera e Prima Colazione (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11/06/2024 to 12/06/2024
  • From 08/06/2024 penalty of 169€
Camera e prima colazione from 11/06/2024
to 12/06/2024
169 €
Mezza Pensione (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11/06/2024 to 12/06/2024
  • From 08/06/2024 penalty of 241€
Mezza pensione from 11/06/2024
to 12/06/2024
241 €
Superior dbl (king size)
Camera e Prima Colazione (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11/06/2024 to 12/06/2024
  • From 08/06/2024 penalty of 184€
Camera e prima colazione from 11/06/2024
to 12/06/2024
184 €
Mezza Pensione (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11/06/2024 to 12/06/2024
  • From 08/06/2024 penalty of 251€
Mezza pensione from 11/06/2024
to 12/06/2024
251 €
Junior suite dbl
Camera e Prima Colazione (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11/06/2024 to 12/06/2024
  • From 08/06/2024 penalty of 203€
Camera e prima colazione from 11/06/2024
to 12/06/2024
203 €
Mezza Pensione (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11/06/2024 to 12/06/2024
  • From 08/06/2024 penalty of 270€
Mezza pensione from 11/06/2024
to 12/06/2024
270 €

 Le tariffe non sono comprensive di eventuali tasse di soggiorno e resort fee che dovranno essere pagate direttamente in hotel in aggiunta al costo totale. Bedding preferences are not guranteed and are subject to supplier availability. Front Desk H24



Strategically-situated in the heart of Reggio Calabria, behind the National Magna Graecia Archaeological Museum, the “Grand Hotel Excelsior” is a reference point for the world of business, culture, sport, entertainment and, also, for its prestigious international clientele.


The hotel has 84 rooms, all of which are elegant and comfortable. Of these, 8 suites have a spacious living area. Furnished tastefully, many of them have a splendid view of the seafront and the Straits of Messina.


Situated on the terrace of the hotel overlooking the best Reggio has to offer -the seafront and the Straits of Messina – the “Galà” restaurant offers an excellent regional and Mediterranean cuisine in an exclusive and refined setting. It is ideal for receptions, business lunches or gala evenings. The “Excelsior” Lounge Bar is found in the spacious and welcoming hall. It serves informal and appetising aperitifs and cocktails prepared by professional barmen.

More Informations

The hotel is a well-equipped convention centre with advanced business technology. There are 10 convention halls of varying sizes that can hold from 5 to 200 people. Remarks: Rates do not include any local city tax and resort fee that must be paid by the final customer on-site directly to the hotel. Bedding preferences are not guaranteed and are subject to supplier availability.

Address: Via Vittorio Veneto 66

Points of Interest

  • Airport (4 Km)
  • Beach/Sea (100 Mt)
  • Centre (0 Km)

The pictures shown are purely illustrative. Prices, availability and information can be subject to changes.
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Licenza n° 25-33794 del 19/05/2008 Rilasciata dalla Provincia di Latina

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