
Accommodation, location or description:

Type of holiday:


Room type:

Check in:                     Check-out:
N° Adults:                     N ° Children:



N° Adults:
N ° Children:



Holiday Inn London - Gatwick Airport

London, Gatwick Airport

2   Adulti
0   Bambini
tue 11 jun  -  wed 12 jun
Discount code:  
Discount code:  
Add Trip Cancel Option:  
Add Trip Cancellation Option:  

Choose the solution that's right for you:

  room type   type of accomodation   Room Price
2 single beds standard
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 152€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
152 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 167€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
167 €
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 179€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
179 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 194€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
194 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 242€
Half board from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
242 €
Standard room
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 152€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
152 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 167€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
167 €
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 179€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
179 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 194€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
194 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 242€
Half board from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
242 €
1 queen bed standard
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 152€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
152 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 167€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
167 €
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 179€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
179 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 194€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
194 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 242€
Half board from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
242 €
1 super king bed standard
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 157€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
157 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 172€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
172 €
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 185€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
185 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 199€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
199 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 247€
Half board from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
247 €
Double queen size bed
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 09/06/2024 penalty of 176€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
176 €
Bed and breakfast  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 09/06/2024 penalty of 202€
Bed and breakfast from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
202 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 09/06/2024 penalty of 316€
Half board from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
316 €
Premium room
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 179€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
179 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 194€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
194 €
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 211€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
211 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 226€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
226 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 273€
Half board from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
273 €
1 queen premium stocked minibar sofa bed
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 179€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
179 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 194€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
194 €
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 211€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
211 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 226€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
226 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 273€
Half board from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
273 €
1 queen bed premium with stocked minibar
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 179€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
179 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 01/06/2024 penalty of 194€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
194 €
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 211€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
211 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 226€
Breakfast for two guests from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
226 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 273€
Half board from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
273 €
Double two beds
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 09/06/2024 penalty of 184€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
184 €
Room two beds
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 09/06/2024 penalty of 184€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
184 €
Double king size bed
Bed and breakfast  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 09/06/2024 penalty of 208€
Bed and breakfast from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
208 €
Room deluxe
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 09/06/2024 penalty of 217€
Room only from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
217 €
Bed and breakfast  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 11-06-2024 to 12-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 09/06/2024 penalty of 273€
Bed and breakfast from 11-06-2024
to 12-06-2024
273 €
information about the accomodation:
- Year of construction  1971 - Year of most recent renovation  2003 - Total number of rooms  216
- Number of floors (main building)  1 - Single rooms  57 - Double rooms  69
- Disability-friendly rooms  4 - Connecting rooms 
- Year of construction  1971 - Year of most recent renovation  2003
- Total number of rooms  216 - Number of floors (main building)  1
- Single rooms  57 - Double rooms  69
- Disability-friendly rooms  4 - Connecting rooms 

LocationHotel type
- hotel 
- hotel 

LocationMethods of payment
- American Express  - Diners Club  - MasterCard 
- Visa 
- American Express  - Diners Club 
- MasterCard  - Visa 

Standard ServicesRoom facilities (Standard room)
- Bathroom  - Disability-friendly bathroom  - Shower 
- Hairdryer  - Internet access  - Direct dial telephone 
- TV  - Radio  - Tea and coffee making facilities 
- Carpeted floors  - Centrally regulated air conditioning  - Central heating 
- Wheelchair-accessible 
- Bathroom  - Disability-friendly bathroom 
- Shower  - Hairdryer 
- Internet access  - Direct dial telephone 
- TV  - Radio 
- Tea and coffee making facilities  - Carpeted floors 
- Centrally regulated air conditioning  - Central heating 
- Wheelchair-accessible 

- Small pets allowed (under 5 kg)  - Large pets allowed (over 5 kg)  - Wheelchair-accessible 
- Car park  - Garage  - 24-hour reception 
- Check-in hour  - Check-out hour  - Mobile phone coverage 
- Wired Internet  - Transfer service  - Room service 
- Laundry service  - Air conditioning in public areas  - Hotel safe 
- Lift access  - Newspaper stand 
- Small pets allowed (under 5 kg)  - Large pets allowed (over 5 kg) 
- Wheelchair-accessible  - Car park 
- Garage  - 24-hour reception 
- Check-in hour  - Check-out hour 
- Mobile phone coverage  - Wired Internet 
- Transfer service  - Room service 
- Laundry service  - Air conditioning in public areas 
- Hotel safe  - Lift access 
- Newspaper stand 

- Bar  - Restaurant  - Non-smoking area 
- Highchairs 
- Bar  - Restaurant 
- Non-smoking area  - Highchairs 

- Conference room  12
- Conference room  12

- Breakfast buffet  - Set menu lunch  - Buffet dinner 
- À la carte dinner  - Set menu dinner 
- Breakfast buffet  - Set menu lunch 
- Buffet dinner  - À la carte dinner 
- Set menu dinner 


Gatwick Airport hotel with shuttle service. A modern hotel near Gatwick Airport with secure parking and a shuttle bus to the airport. Holiday Inn® London - Gatwick Airport hotel offers sleek, comfortable rooms just five minutes' drive from Gatwick Airport. Guests can take the convenient 24-hour airport shuttle bus from the hotel, which runs every 15–30 minutes – Perfect for those flying for either business or leisure. Our London Gatwick hotel is a short 30-minute train journey away from both central London and Brighton, giving easy access to the City, London-Landmarks and the sea, whilst being well situated for Crawley Manor Royal Business District - The home to many multinational companies. Business guests can catch up on work in the modern rooms, thanks to the free Wi-Fi and comfortable work desk, whilst family rooms have sofa beds and cots available for those travelling with children. Our bar and restaurant offers a relaxing environment for all, with options for those with dietary requirements, or 24-Hour Room Service if you prefer to dine in the comfort of one of our guest rooms. The hotel boasts 11 modern meeting rooms that can accommodate 8 to 220 guests. We can provide all needed equipment from LCD projectors & TV screens to flip charts & stationery and offer onsite car parking and dining.
Address: Povey Cross Road (Gatwick, RH6 0BA).

The pictures shown are purely illustrative. Prices, availability and information can be subject to changes.
Daylight Tour di Robytour s.r.l. è responsabile per i contenuti delle inserzioni, per l’organizzazione, il coordinamento viaggio e per la gestione di eventuali reclami.

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Robytour s.r.l.
VAT number 02286100595 SDI: KRRH6B9
Cap.Soc. 200.000,00 € interam. versato
Licenza n° 25-33794 del 19/05/2008 Rilasciata dalla Provincia di Latina

Registered office:
via Appia Lato Napoli 220
04023 - Formia - LT