
Accommodation, location or description:

Type of holiday:


Room type:

Check in:                     Check-out:
N° Adults:                     N ° Children:



N° Adults:
N ° Children:



Holiday Inn Basildon

London, Basildon

2   Adulti
0   Bambini
wed 12 jun  -  thu 13 jun
Discount code:  
Discount code:  
Add Trip Cancel Option:  
Add Trip Cancellation Option:  

Choose the solution that's right for you:

  room type   type of accomodation   Room Price
1 king standard
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 02/06/2024 penalty of 158€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
158 €
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 175€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
175 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 02/06/2024 penalty of 190€
Breakfast for two guests from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
190 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 207€
Breakfast for two guests from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
207 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 250€
Half board from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
250 €
2 single standard
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 02/06/2024 penalty of 158€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
158 €
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 175€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
175 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 02/06/2024 penalty of 190€
Breakfast for two guests from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
190 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 207€
Breakfast for two guests from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
207 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 250€
Half board from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
250 €
1 double standard mobility accessible tub
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 02/06/2024 penalty of 161€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
161 €
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 161€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
161 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 02/06/2024 penalty of 177€
Breakfast for two guests from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
177 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 193€
Breakfast for two guests from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
193 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 237€
Half board from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
237 €
1 double standard
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 02/06/2024 penalty of 161€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
161 €
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 161€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
161 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 02/06/2024 penalty of 177€
Breakfast for two guests from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
177 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 193€
Breakfast for two guests from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
193 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 237€
Half board from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
237 €
2 double standard sofa bed
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 02/06/2024 penalty of 164€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
164 €
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 182€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
182 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 02/06/2024 penalty of 196€
Breakfast for two guests from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
196 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 214€
Breakfast for two guests from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
214 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 258€
Half board from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
258 €
Double standard
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 177€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
177 €
Bed and breakfast  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 222€
Bed and breakfast from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
222 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 282€
Half board from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
282 €
Room accessible
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 185€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
185 €
Bed and breakfast  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 222€
Bed and breakfast from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
222 €
Twin standard
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 192€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
192 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 298€
Half board from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
298 €
Double two double beds
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 200€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
200 €
Bed and breakfast  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 246€
Bed and breakfast from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
246 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 307€
Half board from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
307 €
Room two beds
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 201€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
201 €
Bed and breakfast  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 238€
Bed and breakfast from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
238 €
1 double premium
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 213€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
213 €
Breakfast for two guests  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 225€
Breakfast for two guests from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
225 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 11/06/2024 penalty of 268€
Half board from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
268 €
Double premium
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 235€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
235 €
Bed and breakfast  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 271€
Bed and breakfast from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
271 €
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 320€
Half board from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
320 €
Room executive
Room only  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 246€
Room only from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
246 €
Bed and breakfast  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 259€
Bed and breakfast from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
259 €
Double king size bed
Half board  (Adults: 2; Childrens: 0)
stay from 12-06-2024 to 13-06-2024
Cancellations:  from 10/06/2024 penalty of 298€
Half board from 12-06-2024
to 13-06-2024
298 €
information about the accomodation:
- Year of construction  1960 - Total number of rooms  148 - Number of floors (main building)  6
- Single rooms  103 - Double rooms  46 - Connecting rooms 
- Year of construction  1960 - Total number of rooms  148
- Number of floors (main building)  6 - Single rooms  103
- Double rooms  46 - Connecting rooms 

LocationHotel type
- hotel 
- hotel 

LocationMethods of payment
- American Express  - Diners Club  - MasterCard 
- Visa  - Maestro 
- American Express  - Diners Club 
- MasterCard  - Visa 
- Maestro 

Standard ServicesRoom facilities (Standard room)
- Bathroom  - Disability-friendly bathroom  - Hairdryer 
- Internet access  - Direct dial telephone  - TV 
- Radio  - Tea and coffee making facilities  - Individually adjustable air conditioning 
- Wheelchair-accessible  - Smoking rooms  - Extra beds on demand 
- Bathroom  - Disability-friendly bathroom 
- Hairdryer  - Internet access 
- Direct dial telephone  - TV 
- Radio  - Tea and coffee making facilities 
- Individually adjustable air conditioning  - Wheelchair-accessible 
- Smoking rooms  - Extra beds on demand 

- Small pets allowed (under 5 kg)  - Large pets allowed (over 5 kg)  - Wheelchair-accessible 
- Car park  - Garage  - Check-in hour 
- Check-out hour  - Hotel safe  - Cloakroom 
- Lift access 
- Small pets allowed (under 5 kg)  - Large pets allowed (over 5 kg) 
- Wheelchair-accessible  - Car park 
- Garage  - Check-in hour 
- Check-out hour  - Hotel safe 
- Cloakroom  - Lift access 

- Restaurant  - Non-smoking area  - Air conditioning in Restaurant 
- Restaurant  - Non-smoking area 
- Air conditioning in Restaurant 

- Conference room  - Business centre 
- Conference room  - Business centre 

- Breakfast  - Set menu dinner 
- Breakfast  - Set menu dinner 


This 3 star hotel is located in the suburbs of Basildon and was established in 1960. It is close to the Festival Leisure Park and the nearest station is Basildon. The Hotel has a restaurant and a bar. All 148 rooms are equipped with hairdryer, trouser press, ironing set and air conditioning.
Address: Cranes Farm Road, Waterfront Walk (Basildon, SS14 3DG).

The pictures shown are purely illustrative. Prices, availability and information can be subject to changes.
Daylight Tour di Robytour s.r.l. è responsabile per i contenuti delle inserzioni, per l’organizzazione, il coordinamento viaggio e per la gestione di eventuali reclami.

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Robytour s.r.l.
VAT number 02286100595 SDI: KRRH6B9
Cap.Soc. 200.000,00 € interam. versato
Licenza n° 25-33794 del 19/05/2008 Rilasciata dalla Provincia di Latina

Registered office:
via Appia Lato Napoli 220
04023 - Formia - LT